Overview of the oxidation around galleries in Boom Clay (Mol, Belgium) - Status 2008

Mieke De Craen, Miroslav Honty, Maarten Van Geet, Eef Weetjens, Xavier Sillen, Lian Wang, Diederik Jacques, Evelien Martens

Research outputpeer-review

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In the frame of NF-PRO, SCK•CEN is mainly focussing on the geochemical processes, e.g.oxidation, that take place in the EdZ during excavation and ventilation of galleries within the Boom Clay. The aim is to evaluate if the oxidation is acceptable in terms of its extent and impact on the performance of a clay host rock and its favourable properties to retain radionuclides. Therefore, the effects of the oxidation on the mineralogy and pore water chemistry are evaluated. Moreover, the spatial and temporal extent of oxidation around the underground research laboratory is studied. With this respect, SCK•CEN developed two in-situ experiments within the HADES underground research facility in Mol, Belgium. The experimental results were compared to modelling assessments. A conceptual model on the oxidation around galleries in Boom Clay is proposed. This information obtained by this study is used as input for the performance assessment evaluation of geological disposal in clay layers
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages92
StatePublished - Nov 2011

Publication series

NameSCK•CEN Reports
PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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