Overview of the PREPARE WP3: management of contaminated goods in post-accidental situation – Synthesis of European stakeholders' panels

Sylvie Charron, Sandra Lafage, E. van Asselt, M. Baptista, Mark van Bourgondiën, Puck Brandhoff, Tiberio Cabianca, Johan Camps, Bruno Cessac, Pascal Croüail, Vanessa Durand, Eduardo Gallego, O. Gil, S. Holmes, C. Hourdakis, K. Jones, V. Kamenopoulou, Jean-François Lecomte, Astrid Liland, I. LopesMarie José Madruga, J.O. Martins, C. MC Mahon, Milagros Montero, Christophe Murith, Geert Olyslaegers, Catherine Organo, I. Paiva, Tuomas Peltonen, L. Portugal, C. Potiriadis, Ana Prades, M. Teresa A. Reis, Nicolas Rossignol, Thierry Schneider, R. Sala, V. Smith, Vassiliki Tafili, Pedro Peixoto Teles, Yevgeniya Tomkiv, C. Trueba, Catrinel Turcanu, Tuukka Turtiainen, C. Twenhöfel, Pedro Vaz

    Research outputpeer-review


    Recommendations and requirements for the management of foodstuffs including drinking water and feedstuffs (but not other commodities) contaminated after a nuclear accident or a radiological event have been developed by international bodies such as Codex Alimentarius Commission or European Union as well as by individual countries. However, the experience fromsevere nuclear accidents (Chernobyl,Fukushima) and less serious radiological events, shows that the implementation of such systems (based on criteria expressed in activity concentration) seems to be not fully suitable to prevent several difficulties such as, for instance, stigmatization and even rejection attitudes from consumers or retailers (anticipating the fears of consumers). To further investigate the possible strategies and stakeholder expectations to deal with this sensitive issue, a study has been launchedwithin the European research projectPREPARE-WP3. The overall objective of this work, coordinated is to contribute to the development of strategies, guidance and tools for the management of the contaminated products, taking into account the views of producers, processing and retail industries and consumers. For this purpose, 10 stakeholder panels from different European countries have been set up. In addition, feedback experience from the management of contaminated goods following the Fukushima accident has been provided by Japanese stakeholders. This paper highlights the key topics tackled by the different European stakeholders’ panels.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S83-S91
    Issue numberHS2
    StatePublished - 1 Dec 2016

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