Performance assessment of the disposal of vitrified high-level waste in a clay layer

Dirk Mallants, Jan Marivoet, Xavier Sillen

    Research outputpeer-review


    Deep disposal is considered a safe solution to the management of high-level radioactive waste. The safety is usually demonstrated by means of a performance assessment. This paper discusses the methodological aspects and some of the results obtained for the performance assessment of the disposal of vitrified high-level waste in a clay layer in Belgium. The calculations consider radionuclide migration through the following multi-barrier components, all of which contribute to the overall safety: (1) engineered barriers and the host clay layer, (2) overlying aquifer, and (3) biosphere. The interfaces between aquifers and biosphere are limited to the well and river pathway. Results of the performance assessment calculations are given in terms of the time evolution of the dose rates of the most important fission and activation products and actinides. The role of the glass matrix in the overall performance of the repository is also discussed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)125-135
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
    Issue number1-2
    StatePublished - Sep 2001


    FundersFunder number

      ASJC Scopus subject areas

      • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
      • General Materials Science
      • Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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