Performance evaluation of a European wide proficiency test on gross alpha/beta activity determination in drinking water

Viktor Jobbagy, Edmond Dupuis, Hakan Emteborg, Mikael Hult

    Research outputpeer-review


    JRC-Geel organised a Europe-wide proficiency test on gross alpha/beta activity concentration measurements in water with 154 participants from the field of environmental radioactivity monitoring. The performance of the participants was evaluated by comparing their results to the reference value using percentage deviation, z-score and zeta-score. Many of the participants’ results deviated several orders of magnitude from the reference values regardless of the techniques used suggesting that the radioactivity monitoring of drinking water using gross-counting in Europe needs improving. Comparing with a similar proficiency test in 2012 reveals no major improvements and indicate that standards for gross-counting methods need revision. From the accompanied questionnaire, participants' measurement methods, laboratory practices and pitfalls were discussed. From the 14 best performing methods, JRC identified “Best practices”.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number110304
    Pages (from-to)1-12
    Number of pages12
    JournalApplied Radiation and Isotopes
    StatePublished - Aug 2022

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