Phenotype of thymic lymphomas in the mouse

Roland Greimers, Anne Michel Rongy, Marie Paule Defresne, Jacques Boniver, Robert Hooghe

    Research outputpeer-review


    The MP2 cell line was established from a murine leukemia virus-induced thymic lymphoma. Half of the cells were consistently L3T4 positive and less than 5% of the cells were Lyt-2 positive. Single cell cloning on the basis of the presence or absence of Lyt-2 allowed the isolation of four clones with stable phenotypes: (1) Lyt-2-, L3T4-; (2) Lyt-2+; L3T4-; (3) Lyt-2-, L3T4+; (4) Lyt2+, L3T4-. These data are discussed in relation to tumour cell heterogeneity and to normal T-cell differentiation pathways.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)777-782
    Number of pages6
    JournalLeukemia Research
    Issue number7
    StatePublished - 1986


    Establishing the phenotype and ascertaining the differentiation level of murine lymphomas is not an academic exercise. This information is badly needed if murine lymphoma is to be taken as a model for the study of normal lymphocyte differentiation and leukemogenesis [1]. For these studies, both fresh tumours * Supported by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Medical Research, by the Centre Anticanc6reux pr6s l'Universit6 de Li6ge, by the Radiation Protection Programme of the European Communities and by the European Late Effects Project Group. J.B. is senior research associate of the Belgian National Scientific Foundation (FNRS).

    FundersFunder number
    FRS-FNRS - Fond national de la recherche scientifique

      ASJC Scopus subject areas

      • Hematology
      • Oncology
      • Cancer Research

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