Préparation des molécules marquées par irradation gamma

F. Provoost, R. Constant, Raymond Lecocq, P. Vasilescu

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The preparation of most labelled molecules according to classical methods of synthesis is generally long and expensive. A direct synthesis of certain labelled compounds by γ irradiation of simple and cheap mixtures of labelled compounds was therefore considered. A technique for the preparation of ketones, especially acetone (2-14C), was developed. The irradiation is performed on the mixture 14CO2-CH4. It has been possible to progressively improve the efficiency of ketone formation ; these ketones and the conversion rate of 14CO2 however remain feeble. On the other hand it appeared that the acetone radiolysis velocity is very important, which entails a heavy loss of the acetone obtained. In conclusion, the possibility of application of this method to the preparation of acetone and other ketones is suggested, provided the mixture is irradiated in closed circuit, which would allow a continuous recovery of the Products obtained. The productivity of this method, compared to other radiochemical methods, is discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages17
    StatePublished - Sep 1966

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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