Practical guidance for engagement with the public on radiation and risk

Tanja Perko, Peter Cole

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Public understanding, trust and consent are absolutely central to implementing effective and proportionate radiation protection. Without this we, as radiation protection professionals, will not fully achieve our aim of adequately protecting the public without unduly limiting the safe use of medical, scientific and industrial radiological practices for the benefit of mankind. IRPA strongly believes that all radiation protection professionals and radiation protection societies (‘Associate Societies’) have a duty to engage with the public, to play our part in helping to address and alleviate concerns, and to ensure that solutions put forward really do take account of the issues, perceptions and concerns of all interested parties. This can only be achieved by approaches based on active listening and engagement, developing empathy, transparency and building trust. The objective of this guidance document is two-fold. Firstly, it is to enthuse all radiation protection professionals to become more active public advocates for radiation protection. Secondly, it is to provide information, experiences and techniques to help all of us in our profession to become more effective and comfortable in this challenging task.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherIRPA - The International Radiation Protection Association
    Number of pages45
    ISBN (Print)9780998966601
    StatePublished - 1 Sep 2020

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