Producing gold at ISOLDE-CERN

A.E. Barzakh, Andrei N. Andreyev, Dimitar Atanasov, James G Cubiss, R.D. Harding, M. Al Monthery, Numa A. Althubiti, Boris Andel, Stanislav Antalic, Jochen Ballof, Klaus Blaum, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Piet Van Duppen, Thomas Day Goodacre, A. de Roubin, Charlotte Duchemin, Gregory James Farooq-Smith, Dmitry V. Fedorov, Valentin N. Fedosseev, Daniel A. FinkLiam Paul Gaffney, L Ghys, Mark Huyse, Nobuaki Imai, J. Johnson, S. Kreim, David Lunney, Kara M Lynch, Vladimir Manea, Bruce A Marsh, Y. Martinez Palenzuela, P.L. Molkanov, Dennis Neidherr, V.N. Panteleev, M. Rosenbusch, Ralf Erik Rossel, Sebastian Rothe, Lutz Schweikhard, Maxim D. Seliverstov, Simon Sels, Celine Van Beveren, Elise Verstraelen, A. Welker, Frank Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, Kai Zuber

Research outputpeer-review


The yield of 18 ion beams of radioactive gold nuclei produced in the thick uranium target at ISOLDE (CERN) by 1.4-GeV protons was measured. The production-efficiency dependence on the half-life (efficiency curve) was derived using the in-target production calculations by the FLUKA-CERN code. The irregularities in the efficiency curve for long-lived high-spin gold isomers (Au-187,191,193(m)) were found. Three release models were tested for the efficiency-curve description.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-32
Number of pages7
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2022

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