Progress on experimental protocols, formulation of conditioning materials and performance assessment for the direct conditioning of RLOW

Quoc Tri Phung, Thi Nhan Nguyen, Lander Frederickx, David Lambertin, Federica Pancotti, Mafalda Guerra, Rossella Sciacqua, Martin Hayes, John Provis, Catherine A. Davy, Eros Mossini, Stefano Colombo, Ilaria Moschetti, Gabriele Magugliani, Elena Macerata, Mario Mariani, Vladimir Shkuropatenko, Crina Bucur, Lara Esperanza, Marina Rodriguez AlcalaGabriel Piña Lucas

Research outputpeer-review

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WP5 proposes to investigate a direct route for the conditioning of Radioactive Liquid Organic Waste (RLOW). After a short state-of-the-art, which highlights the high potential of alkali-activated materials (AAM) for organic liquid encapsulation, this article presents the main findings of the partners involved in Task 5.3 (NUCLECO/SOGIN, NNL/USFD, CIEMAT, POLIMI, SCK CEN, KIPT, RATEN) to this date. Other Tasks relate to WP management (T5.1), RLOW inventory (T5.2) and durability assessment (T5.4 not started yet). Task 5.3 (T5.3) aims to design reference formulations of conditioning materials for the immobilization of RLOW, prior to Task 5.4, which focuses on the durability assessment of conditioned RLOW by the direct route. Since the start of PREDIS, the partners in T5.3 have proposed varied AAM formulations, based on metakaolin, blast furnace slag, volcanic tuff or their mixes as alumino-silicate solid precursors. The latter are alkali-activated with NaOH, KOH or metasilicate (sodium or potassium based). Varied RLOW are incorporated in the AAM, the most viscous and chemically simple RLOW being those with the greatest incorporation rate. For highly fluid RLOW (e.g. TBP, kerosene or scintillating cocktails), the use of a surfactant proves necessary. Optimizations of the RLOW/AAM mixes are still on going to this date, with already very promising preliminary results.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of PREDIS May Workshop 2021
Subtitle of host publicationDate 30.9.2021 version Final
EditorsMaria Oksa, Erika Holt
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 30 Sep 2021
Event2021 - PREDIS workshop - Online
Duration: 4 May 20216 May 2021


Workshop2021 - PREDIS workshop

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