Qualification of the on-line power determination of fuel elements in irradiation devices in the BR2 reactor

Ludo Vermeeren, Jean Dekeyser, Philippe Gouat, Silva Kalcheva, Edgar Koonen, Vadim Kuzminov, Alfons Verwimp, Marcel Wéber

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Fuel irradiation tests require an on-line monitoring of the fuel power. In the BR2 reactor, this is performed by continuously measuring the enthalpy change in the coolant of the irradiation device and complementing this information with data on power losses, heating of structure parts and spatial power profiles from mock-up test experiments and from calculations. Since a few years Monte Carlo codes (MCNP) are used, describing the BR2 core in great detail for every reactor cycle with its specific core load, yielding not only reliable relative values, but also calculated absolute local power values in agreement with data from PIE analyses. Several methods were conceived to combine the experimental and calculated data for the on-line calculation of the local linear power in the fuel elements; their internal consistency and the consistency with gamma spectroscopy data and data from radiochemical fission product analysis was checked. The data show that fuel irradiations in BR2 can be performed in a well-controlled way, with an accurate and reliable on-line follow-up of the fuel power.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages22
    StatePublished - Jan 2005

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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