Qualifying C8/F9 spectrum index measurements by using standard neutron fields

    Research outputpeer-review


    A measurement method for the determination of the spectrum index C8/F9 and, indirectly the F8/F9 spectrum index in LWR fuel assemblies has been qualified. With this method U- and Pu-foils are placed between fuel pellets and irradiated in the VENUS test reactor. After irradiation the foils are dismantled and the produced activation and fission products are measured with the help of gamma-spectrometry. The amounts of activation and fission products are a measure of the reaction rates. A qualification of this method has been performed in the BR1 reactor in a well-known reference neutron spectrum (thermal). The observed deviation from the theoretical value (1.7%) falls within the uncertainty range (1.9%, 1σ). In this paper the qualification of the measurement technique, together with the uncertainty analysis, will be reported.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)753-760
    Number of pages8
    Journal ASTM special technical publication
    Issue number1398
    StatePublished - 2001
    Event1999 - Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology and Assesment - Osaka
    Duration: 12 Sep 199917 Sep 1999

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Engineering

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