Radiation effects in silica glass optical fibres

    Research outputpeer-review


    This tutorial reviews the presently understood mechanisms that are responsible for the radiation effects in glasses, namely absorption, luminescence and compaction. The paper introduces the reader to the general concepts found in amorphous material to understand the radiation damage and both the defect creation-annealing mechanisms in silica glass. In particular, we address the practical case of optical fibres under gamma and neutron radiation. The fibre optic fabrication technology is reviewed with its implication in term of radiation tolerance. We also present practical methods used to alleviate the impact of radiation on the optical transmission fibre, like hydrogen loading and fluorine core-doped fibre. Finally, few practical examples illustrate the applicability of the fibre optic technology in radiation environment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationRadiation effects in silica glass optical fibres
    Place of PublicationCap d'Agde, France
    StatePublished - Sep 2005
    EventShort Course Notebook - Cap d'Agde
    Duration: 1 Jan 17531 Jan 1753


    ConferenceShort Course Notebook
    CityCap d'Agde

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