Radiation-induced nonsteady-state absorption in multicomponent silicate glasses

Andrei Gusarov, V. I. Arbuzov, A. O. Volchek, V. M. Lisitsyn, V. Yu Yakovlev

Research outputpeer-review


Nonsteady-state absorption spectra have been studied in multicomponent glass F1 of the flint group and its radiation-stable analog F101, induced by excitation with an electron pulse 20ns wide having particle energy 0.25 MeV. The measurements were made in the 300-600 nm spectral region on the time interval 10 ns-1 sec after the end of the irradiation pulse. It is found that the formation efficiency of unstable color centers with absorption bands in this spectral region is approximately identical for both types of glasses. After the pulse stops acting, the absorption in the entire spectral range decreases at approximately the same rate, so that the shape of the nonsteady-state induced absorption spectra shows little variation. The effect of the cerium ions that are presented in F101 as a protector additive manifests itself in times much greater than the pulse width.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-114
JournalJournal of Optical Technology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes

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