Realization of a new large research infrastructure in Belgium: MYRRHA contribution for closing the nuclear fuel cycle making nuclear energy sustainable

    Research outputpeer-review


    In order to provide an appropriate level of energy to the whole world, nuclear energy is still going to play an important role. Nuclear energy can help reducing the CO2 emissions, which today are excessive. The problematics of nuclear waste can be solved using long-term geological storage in deep suitable formations. Partitioning and transmutation can help reducing the radiotoxicity of spent fuel to more acceptable durations of time. The MYRRHA project investigates since more than 20 years the possibility to demonstrate transmutation at a reasonable power level. In this paper we present the current state of the MYRRHA reactor design and the associated research and development activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationJoint EPS-SIF International School on Energy. Course 5 – “Energy: Where we stand and where we go”
    PublisherEDP Sciences
    Number of pages18
    StatePublished - 16 Dec 2020
    Event2019 - Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019 -Course 5 – “Energy: Where we stand and where we go”
    - Villa Monastero, Varenna, Lake Como
    Duration: 22 Jul 201927 Jul 2019

    Publication series

    NameEPJ Web of Conferences
    PublisherEco Sciences
    ISSN (Electronic)2100-014X


    Conference2019 - Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019 -Course 5 – “Energy: Where we stand and where we go”
    CityVarenna, Lake Como
    Internet address

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