Reconnaissance Study of EDZ around a Large Scale Shaft Sealing Demonstration Test (RESEAL)

Maarten Van Geet, Wim Bastiaens, Geert Volckaert, B. Vallejan, A. Gens

    Research outputpeer-review


    In 1996 the EC funded project of RESEAL started. The aim of this project was to demonstrate the possibility of sealing off a shaft in plastic clay with bentonite and to test its efficiency. During the installation, the concrete lining of the shaft has been removed, which gave the unique opportunity to visualise the EDZ. Moreover, the piezometers installed for the RESEAL project gave some additional information on the evolution of the EDZ. From all these observations it is clear that fractures developed or existing fractures were re-activated during the removal of the lining. Up to at least 1 meter from the shaft lining - host rock interface, fractures were in contact with atmospheric pressure. These fractures are oriented cylindrically around the shaft at the position where the lining had been removed. Above and below the zone where the lining was removed, a decompression is noticed. In these zones, however, no evidence for fractures in connection with atmospheric pressure is observed. The self-healing of the host-rock is a slow process. The exact timing is difficult to extract from this experiment as it is largely influenced by the time needed for the hydration of the bentonite seal. It was observed that the self-healing is progressively taking place from deeper in the host-rock towards the interface host rock - shaft lining.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuropean Commission cluster conference and workshop on the impact of the excavation disturbed or damaged zone on the performance of radioactive waste geological repositories
    EditorsC. Davies, F. Bernier
    Place of PublicationLuxemburg
    PublisherEuropean Commission
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)92-894-8794-1
    StatePublished - Nov 2003
    Event2003 - European Commission cluster conference and workshop on the impact of the excavation disturbed or damaged zone on the performance of radioactive waste geological repositories - Luxemburg
    Duration: 3 Nov 20035 Nov 2003

    Publication series

    NameEUR reports
    PublisherOffice for official publications of the European Communities


    Conference2003 - European Commission cluster conference and workshop on the impact of the excavation disturbed or damaged zone on the performance of radioactive waste geological repositories

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