Recycling of thorium dioxide scrap from nuclear fuel pellets fabrication

Anton Schneider, Patrick Goethals, Rémi Delville, Thomas Cardinaels

Research output

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Thorium dioxide as an alternative nuclear fuel to uranium dioxide is gaining more and more interest. An important aspect in the fuel production is the recycling of scrap material produced throughout the total production process. Due to the chemical inertness of thorium dioxide, the recycling of the scrap materials is much more complicated that for uranium fuels where thermal redox reactions can be used. The prupose of this work was to find a suitable method to dissolve the thorium dioxide.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Université de Lille
  • Van Hecke, Karen, Supervisor
  • Cagno, Simone, Supervisor
  • Cardinaels, Thomas, Supervisor
  • Verwerft, Marc, Supervisor
  • Legris, Alexandre, Supervisor, External person
Date of Award15 Aug 2015
Place of PublicationLille, France
StatePublished - Aug 2015

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