Report criticality dosimetry

Vanessa Cauwels, Filip Vanhavere

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Every few years, the SCK•CEN is involved in an international intercomparison exercise to test the performance of several dosimeters in a simulated criticality accident. This exercise is organized by CEA Valduc in France where there is access to the SILENE reactor, a reactor specially designed and built to simulate criticality accidents. SILENE is a compact reactor in which a fissile solution of uranyl nitrate can be introduced. To simulate the criticality accident, the control rod is slowly removed after introduction of the fissile solution.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages7
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2011

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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