Report on dissemination of the results and inter-connection of EC projects involving IR communication activities

Nadja Železnik, Blanka Koron, Tanja Perko

    Research outputpeer-review

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    According to the Description of work (DoW) within EAGLE project was foreseen also dissemination of the results and inter-connection of EC projects involving IR communication activities. The on-going projects and related processes would be identified and the appropriate links would be made in order to disseminate and facilitate the mutual information flows, exchange of experiences and cooperation. Networking actions would be used. European projects related to ionising radiation usually have communication and dissemination WP’s and these packages would be the target point for EAGLE dissemination. Dissemination of the project results was organised based on planned activities how to promote and increase project and results visibility. Part of this task was also stakeholder engagement process, which also contribute a significant part to the project promotion and dissemination of results. Project promotion activities where managed by all project typical communication channels as website, events organised by project, poster, presentations, promotions and participations at the events hosted by others, publications, leaflets, social media, blog etc. Aspect of common work with other relevant projects or other organisation was recognised as very crucial already in project development phase, therefore actions in line to foster that kind of cooperation were planned. Throughout the project implementation and by several participations at external events, the cooperation started to developed. Both international RICOMET conferences were clearly the results of good cooperation with other projects and established associations or platforms. As majority of other promotion activities are already reported at several other deliverables, here we would like only to shortly list all our efforts, with list of promotions at external events.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages37
    StatePublished - 8 Aug 2016

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