Report on ESFR, MYRRHA, and ALFRED sensitivity and impact studies

Pablo Romojaro, Luca Fiorito, Alexey Stankovskiy, Augusto Hernandez Solis, Sonia Panizo, Vicente Bécares, Francisco Álvarez-Velarde, Ciro Alfonso, Nuria García-Herranz, Antonio Jiménez-Carrascosa, Óscar Cabellos

    Research outputpeer-review

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    S/U analysis have been performed for the ESFR, ASTRID and ALFRED advanced reactor systems and the multi-purpose flexible irradiation facility MYRRHA, with SCALE, Serpent 2 and SUMMON codes and JEFF-3.3 nuclear data library for relevant reactor safety parameters, namely keff, βeff, Doppler reactivity coefficients, void worth, reactivity worth of control rods and power peaking factor of MYRRHA. A ranking of the most important isotopes and reactions for each parameter has been derived for all the systems. Uncertainties have been quantified and have been found to be higher than target accuracies proposed. Therefore, recommendations of nuclear data in need of improvement are given.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages50
    StatePublished - 25 Oct 2022

    Publication series

    NameSANDA reports

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