Report on observational study of emergency exercises: List of uncertainties: CONCERT-CONFIDENCE D 9.28

Tanja Perko, Vassiliki Tafili, Roser Sala, Tatiana Duranova, Nadja Zeleznik, Yevgeniya Tomkiv, Ferdiana Hoti, Catrinel Turcanu

    Research outputpeer-review

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    In order to identify uncertainties that decision makers, affected population and emergency responders may face during a nuclear emergency, this research investigated the behavior of people involved in emergency exercises. It provides insights into the way uncertainties are addressed and handled during emergency exercises, by looking at the information flow and communication between actors, as well as the assumptions and decisions made under emergency exercise conditions. The methodological approach relies on nonparticipant observation as a technique for the systematic study of human behavior. The observers recorded actual behavior under almost completely natural conditions. In order to enhance and deepen the understanding of uncertainties in emergency management, a constructivist approach has been applied, with special attention to authenticity, trustworthiness, reflexivity, particularity and subjectivity (takes into account biases), and triangulation across data sources (capturing and respecting multiple perspectives). The objective was to maintain the integrity of unique cases/findings, to crystallise rather than generalize, and contribute to theory and dialogue about nuclear emergency management under uncertainties. 11 national exercises were observed in six countries, as well as one international exercise, with a total of 29 observation points. The research resulted in the identification of a list of 33 uncertainties. D9.28 Report on observational studies of emergency exercises may be updated based on feedback from participants to the observed exercises.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages148
    StatePublished - 1 May 2019

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