Report on sensitivity analysis of MYRRHA with list of key reactions

Pablo Romojaro, Carlos Diez, Nuria Garcia-Herranz, Francisco Alvarez, Ivan Kodeli, Gasper Zerovnik, Alexey Stankovskiy, Gert Van den Eynde

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    Sensitivity analysis serves as a tool to identify most relevant parameters of a model to response functions. In this case, the MYRRHA core design is the problem addressed, where cross sections are the model parameters and keff is the response function studied. Furthermore, the sensitivity coefficients can be used to estimate uncertainties in keff due to nuclear data uncertainties.
    The results of the S/U analysis of the MYRRHA reactor core are presented in this report. The calculations were performed with the SCALE6.2 system, currently in its third beta release, the MCNP – PERT and KSEN cards, and the SUSD3D code. In the following sections a brief overview of the SCALE6.2 system, the MCNP6.1 code and the SUSD3D code are provided, including a description of the SCALE6.2 modules, employed for the criticality calculations and the S/U analysis, and of the PERT and KSEN cards of MCNP. Moreover, the model of the MYRRHA core, developed to be used by the SCALE system, is presented and the sensitivity analysis performed with the different codes is detailed in order to provide the list of key quantities (isotope plus reaction) to be studied more thoroughly in Task 10.2.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages61
    StatePublished - 19 Jun 2015

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