Report on the Digital Twin of a cemented wase package, geochemical evolution and mechanical integrity modelling: PREDIS Deliverable 7.5

George-Dan Miron, Suresh Seetharam, Quoc Tri Phung, Eric Laloy, Gert Dekkers, Jafari Abbas, Jörg F. Unger, Andrés Idiart, Johannes C. L. Meeussen, Guang Hu, Wilfried Pfingsten, Rainer Dähn

Research outputpeer-review

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The concept of Digital Twins (DT) has gained prominence over the past two decades, revolutionizing decision-making processes across diverse industries. The development is driven by data models, physics-based simulations, or hybrid approaches, and enhance decision-making processes. Building a digital twin involves challenges like long-term process monitoring, scaling models from lab to waste package, parameterizing models, quantifying uncertainties, and integrating feedback between complex processes. This report presents the efforts of WP 7.4 consortium towards developing a proof of concept of certain aspects of digital twin technology for the predisposal management of radioactive waste, especially for low and intermediate level waste packages.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages66
StatePublished - 27 Feb 2024

Publication series

NamePREDIS Reports

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