Report on the sampling strategy development: INSIDER Deliverable D3.2

Bart Rogiers, Sven Boden, Nadia Pérot, Yvon Desnoyers, Oleksandr Sevbo, Olaf Nitzsche

Research outputpeer-review

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The main objective of work package 3 (WP3) is to draft a sampling guide for initial nuclear site characterization in constraint environments, before decommissioning, based on a statistical approach. The first task consisted in providing an overview of available sampling design methods described in standards and guides followed by a brief presentation of the statistical methods that can be used to demonstrate meeting the objectives in the context of initial nuclear site characterization in constraint environments. The second task aims at developing a strategy for sampling in the field of initial nuclear site characterization in view of decommissioning, with the most important goal to guide the end user to appropriate statistical methods (including, but not limited to those identified during the first task) to use for data analysis and sampling design. To aid the end user in applying this strategy, a userfriendly application for guiding the end user through the contents of the strategy and the initial characterization process is also foreseen. This document provides an overview of the developed data analysis and sampling design strategy, which will serve as a blueprint for the application in a later stage. All the different steps to take are described in a way that should be sufficient for the end user to make well-founded decisions on the methods to use.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages41
StatePublished - 27 Sep 2018

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