Report on venues, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for stakeholder engagement in relation to indoor radon exposure: CONCERT-ENGAGE D9.91

Catrinel Turcanu, Christiane Pölzl-Viol, Catherine Fallon, Tanja Perko, Marie Claire Cantone, Nadja Zeleznik

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Radon in buildings poses a significant health risk, being one of the most important causes of lung cancer deaths worldwide. Actions to reduce indoor radon have been considered by many EU Member States, and several information campaigns have been conducted to increase radon awareness and trigger actions for radon measurement and remediation. However, increased awareness does not always lead to action. Stakeholder engagement may contribute to addressing this value-action gap, as it has been shown to stimulate systematic information processing and help people make long-term behavioral changes. The revised Basic Safety Directive opens opportunities for higher levels of participation of radon stakeholders, including local actors and affected publics. This report summarised findings from case studies of stakeholder engagement in practice in relation to exposures to indoor radon, carried out in ENGAGE WP2. The case studies covered communication and management of intervention in the case of a school with a high radon exposure level in Belgium; the implementation of the national radon action plan in Slovenia, with focus on requirements and practices for communication and stakeholder engagement; the role of stakeholders in radon risk and prevention in Italy; and a cross national analysis of radon websites from national and local authorities in eight European Member States, from a stakeholder engagement perspective. Additionally, main findings are presented from a round table on stakeholder engagement in relation to radon exposures, held during the 3rd European Radiation Protection Week on October 2nd, 2018.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages41
    StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019

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