Results of experimental investigation of calorimetry Applicability: CHANCE Deliverable D3.3

Cédric Carasco, Bertrand Perot, Bart Rogiers, Sven Boden, Alessandro Borella, An Bielen, Christophe Mathonat, Andrea Francescon, Xavier Mettan, Wojciech Kubinski

Research outputpeer-review

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The present report focuses on activities from Work Package 3 related to the development of the calorimetry. In the frame of the Task 3.2 “Experimental investigation”, some measurements were carried out with mock-up waste drums at CEA Cadarache and SCK CEN with gamma spectrometry, passive neutron counting and using the calorimeter developed by KEP Technologies. SCK CEN also performed measurements with a 200 L real unconditioned waste drum. This document presents the results obtained with the different techniques and some MCNP modelling of the calorimeter in the framework of the performed experiments.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages64
StatePublished - 2 Apr 2022

Publication series

NameCHANCE reports

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