Results of the European Network on Education and Training in Radiation Protection (ENETRAP 6FP)

Michèle Coeck, Paul Livolsi, Siegurd Möbius, Annemarie Schmitt-Hannig, Andrea Luciani, Jan van der Steen, Marisa Marco, Joanne Stewart, Gaston Meskens

    Research outputpeer-review


    The ENETRAP project (EC contract number FI6O-516529) made a study of the current European E&T issues. This study included: - Set up and analysis of a vast questionnaire, answered by almost all European countries, inquiring on (i) numbers of RPEs different sectors dealing with ionizing radiation, (ii) identification of practices, (iii) national E&T needs and capabilities, (iv) regulatory requirements and (v) recognition - A study on the need and effectiveness of on-the-job training (OJT) - A study on the approach of e- and distance learning tools - A study of the EU and IAEA requirements and syllabi for Qualified Experts. In this way ENETRAP provided the fundamentals on which the European umbrella organisation EUTERP can build the organisation, follow-up and recognition of E&T programmes, which will contribute to an enhanced mobility of workers, teachers and students throughout the European countries. The intention is to use the information obtained to propose minimum requirements for - mutual recognition of RPEs and RPOs, and the various training and education activities available in the EU Member and Candidate States and - the content, structure and methods of these training and education activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of de NESTet Conference :
    Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
    StatePublished - Jun 2008
    Event2008 - NESTet: Nuclear Engineering Science and Technology Education and Training - ENS, Budapest
    Duration: 4 May 20089 May 2008


    Conference2008 - NESTet
    Abbreviated titleNESTet 2008

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