Retention of Nickel and Cobalt in Boda Claystone Formation

Ottó Czömpöly, Fruzsina Szabó, Margit Fábián, Tamás Kolonits, Zsolt Fogarassy, Dániel Zámbó, Marc Aertsens, János Osán

Research outputpeer-review


The Boda Claystone Formation (BCF) is considered to serve as a natural barrier to the potential high-level radioactive waste repository in Hungary. In order to evaluate the radionuclide retention capacity of the albitic claystone of the BCF, the adsorption and diffusion properties of the rock for Ni2+ and Co2+ cations (activation products) were investigated separately and in competitive conditions when the two ions were simultaneously added. Batch sorption experiments were performed with powdered and conditioned albitic claystone samples in synthetic pore water to obtain adsorption isotherms. In addition, adsorption tests were performed on petrographic thin sections to check the transferability between dispersed and compact systems. Correlation analysis of microscopic X-ray fluorescence elemental maps recorded on thin sections suggested that nickel is primarily bound to clay minerals (mainly illite and chlorite), which was confirmed by (scanning) transmission electron microscopy measurements. Around illite particles, a newly formed nickel-rich few atomic layer thick phyllosilicate phase was identified. The discrepancy between the experimental and modeled adsorption isotherm at high concentrations could be explained with this nickel-rich new phase. Apart from Cin = 10−3 M and only Ni2+ or Co2+ in the source, the apparent diffusion coefficients of Ni2+ and Co2+ (Cin = 10−3–10−2 M) were found to be similar. Overall, the BCF shows promising capabilities to retain the studied radionuclides.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1299
Number of pages16
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Geology

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