Retention of radiocaesium traces in clays: a dynamic semi-emperical modelling approach

Nicolas Lewyckyj, Theo Zeevaert

    Research output


    The contribution consists of an abstract of a PhD thesis. After deposition, Cs+bioavailability in soil is a key parameter with regard to public exposure after a severe nuclear accident.The objective of the PhD thesis was to understand and model the interaction of Cs+ and 2:1 clay minerals. This interaction was characterised through Cs+ sorption-desorption experiments carried out on seven 2:1 clay minerals (four smectite types, illite, biotite and vermiculite)
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • UCL - Université catholique de Louvain
    • Zeevaert, Theo, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Delvaux, Bruno, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award13 Dec 2000
    StatePublished - 13 Dec 2000

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