Review on the EFDA programme on tungsten materials technology and science

M. Rieth, J.L. Boutard, S.L. Dudarev, T. Ahlgren, S. Antusch, N. Baluc, M.-F. Barthe, C.S. Becquart, L. Ciupinski, J.B. Correia, C. Domain, J. Fikar, E. Fortuna, C.C. Fu, E. Gaganidze, T.L. Galan, C. Garcia-Rosales, B. Gludovatz, H. Greuner, K. HeinolaN. Holstein, N. Juslin, F. Koch, W. Krauss, K.J. Kurzydlowski, J. Linke, Ch. Linsmeier, N. Luzginova, H. Maier, M.S. Martinez, J.M. Missiaen, M. Muhammed, A. Munoz, M. Muzyk, K. Nordlund, D. Nguyen-Manh, P. Norajitra, J. Opschoor, G. Pintsuk, R. Pippan, G. Ritz, L. Romaner, D. Rupp, R. Schaublin, J. Schlosser, Inge Uytdenhouwen, J.G. van der Laan, L. Veleva, L. Ventelon, S. Wahlberg, F. Williaime, S. Wurster, M.A. Yar, Vincent Massaut

    Research outputpeer-review


    All the recent DEMO design studies for helium cooled divertors utilize tungsten materials and alloys, mainly due to their high temperature strength, good thermal conductivity, low erosion, and comparably low activation under neutron irradiation. The long-term objective of the EFDA fusion materials programme is to develop structural as well as armor materials in combination with the necessary production and fabrication technologies for future divertor concepts. The programmatic roadmap is structured into four engineering research lines which comprise fabrication process development, structural material development, armor material optimization, and irradiation performance testing, which are complemented by a fundamental research programme on ‘‘Materials Science and Modeling’’. This paper presents the current research status of the EFDA experimental and testing investigations, and gives a detailed overview of the latest results on fabrication, joining, high heat flux testing, plasticity, modeling, and validation experiments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)463-467
    JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
    Issue number1-3
    StatePublished - Feb 2011
    EventICFRM14 2009 - 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials - Japan - IAEA, Sapporo
    Duration: 7 Sep 200912 Sep 2009

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