Risk perception of the Belgian population. Results of the public opinion survey in 2006

Koen Van Aeken, Catrinel Turcanu, Gunter Bombaerts, Benny Carlé, Frank Hardeman

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The SCK•CEN 2006 risk perception barometer is based on over 1000 Computer Assisted Personal Interviews, taken from persons selected to be representative for the Belgian 18+ population, and all realized in the period March 21st –April 12th 2006. Besides the classical background variables used to obtain the quota for representativity (age, language, habitat, gender and social class), we also included a series of questions assessing the sociological context and the psychological personality profile. The main topics in the survey were i) risk perception and confidence in authorities; ii) acceptance of legal norms for food products; iii) acceptance of countermeasures for the food chain in case of a radiological contamination and associated consumer’s behaviour; iv) energy; v) disposal of radioactive waste; vi) perception of the Chernobyl accident and its consequences. Some of the questions asked in 2006 are similar to those enquired in the SCK barometer of 2002, in order to study the time evolution of the risk perception associated with various issues. For the part related to acceptance of legal norms and of countermeasures for the food chain, simulated news bulletins were used in order to better reproduce the real-life context of a contamination.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages135
    StatePublished - Jan 2007

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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