Rotational excitations in K1-x(NH4)xI mixed crystals: A neutron scattering study

C. Bostoen, G. Coddens, W. Wegener

    Research outputpeer-review


    A neutron scattering study was performed on K1-x (NH 4)XI mixed crystals (x≤0.44) at temperatures T≤20 K. Our results show in a direct fashion that the NH4 +-NH4+ interaction contributes significantly to the crystal-field potential. A quantitative discussion in terms of a locally perturbed field is applied to the x = 0.02 results. The barrier increase due to the presence of a single NH4+ ion cannot be ascribed to octopole-octopole interactions alone. A qualitative model, which includes dipole-dipole interactions, is presented. The temperature study on a sample with x = 0.28 shows a continuous transition from a quantum regime to a classical regime of reorientational motions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)6337-6344
    Number of pages8
    JournalThe Journal of Chemical Physics
    Issue number10
    StatePublished - 1989

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Physics and Astronomy
    • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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