Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of PWR spent fuel observables to operational and model parameters

Pablo Romojaro, Klemen Ambrozic, Dusan Calic, Luca Fiorito, Kevin Govers, Augusto Hernandez Solis, Bor Kos, Peter Schillebeeckx, Alexey Stankovskiy, Gasper Zerovnik, Marjan Kromar

    Research outputpeer-review


    Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of spent nuclear fuel observables - decay heat, neutron and ..--rayray emission rate - to operational and model parameters have been performed. A 2D model representing a typical PWR 17 × 17 UO2 fuel assembly has been taken as reference. The Serpent code and ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluated nuclear data library have been used for the analyses. Relative uncertainty of decay heat, neutron and .-ray emission rates due to MC counting statistics, as well as the number of fuel pin radial regions required for an accurate characterization of SNF neutron emission, have been estimated. A parametric study has been carried out to investigate the impact of the homogenization to an average value of the fuel and moderator temperature, boron concentration power and burnup on the prediction of the selected observables. In addition, linear sensitivity coefficients have been calculated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022)
    PublisherAmerican Nuclear Society
    Number of pages10
    StatePublished - 23 Jun 2022
    Event2022 - PHYSOR - International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Making Virtual a Reality: Advancements in Reactor Physics to Leap Forward Reactor Operation and Deployment - Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA
    Duration: 15 May 202220 May 2022


    Conference2022 - PHYSOR - International Conference on Physics of Reactors
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityPittsburgh, PA

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