Separation of 226Ra, 227Ac and 228Th by ion exchange

Daniel Huys, Leon Baetslé

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Relying on the particular properties of synthetic organic ion exchange resins in concentrated HClO4 a separation method of radium-actinium-thorium has been developed. Radium is eluted in HClO4 12M, actinium is washed by HNO3 3M and finally thorium is eluted by H2SO4 3M. Since organic ion exchangers are used the method is only suited for analytical separations.
    A new method making use of titanium phosphate as ion exchanger (ABEDEM-Ti_A) has been worked out. Thorium is adsorbed on titanium phosphate in 4M HNO3 and radium can be trapped in 2M HNO3. Actinium is not fixed in these media and emerges radiochemically pure at the end of the second column.Separations with milligram quantities of 226Ra, 227Ac and 228Th have proven to be successful. Full-scale operations at the multicurie level are possible with this new method.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages17
    StatePublished - May 1967

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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