SiC-based neutron detector in quasi-realistic working conditions: Efficiency and stability at room and high temperature under fast neutron irradiations

Ludo Vermeeren, Raffaello Ferone, Fatima Issa, Dora Szalkai, Axel Klix, Laurent Ottaviani, Stephane Biondo, Vanessa Vervisch, Richard Saenger, Abdallah Lyoussi

    Research output


    In the framework of the European I_SMART project, we have designed and made new SiC-based nuclear radiation detectors able to operate in harsh environments and to detect both fast and thermal neutrons. In this paper, we report experimental results of fast neutron irradiation campaign at high temperature (106 °C) in quasi-realistic working conditions. Our device does not suffer from high temperature, and spectra do show strong stability, preserving features. These experiments, as well as others in progress, show the I_SMART SiC-based device skills to operate in harsh environments, whereas other materials would strongly suffer from degradation. Work is still demanded to test our device at higher temperatures and to enhance efficiency in order to make our device fully exploitable from an industrial point of view.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIEEE Conference Publications
    Subtitle of host publication2015 4th Int. Conf. ANIMMA
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4799-9918-7
    StatePublished - 5 May 2016

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