Simulation of Irradiation History in Combined Annular Multi-Tube Fuel Element of BR2

Vadim Kuzminov, Edgar Koonen, Silva Kalcheva

Research outputpeer-review


The impact of strong non-uniformity of neutron fluxes in the Belgian High Flux Materials Testing Reactor BR2 on the spatial distributions of the fuel burn-up and heat fluxes in complex annular fuel elements and on the irradiation conditions in various experiments performed in BR2 is discussed in the paper. The purpose was to develop a calculation approach for predicting 3-D fuel burn-up in multi-tube annular fuel elements. In the method presented here the spatial 3-D distribution of the fuel burn-up in plates of the multi-tube fuel element is calculated using the 3-D distributions of the power peaking factor calculated in the registration mesh using the MCNP code linked with the burn-up module ORIGEN-S in the SCALE code. The presented approach permits to predict effectively the dependence of the fuel burn-up distribution in the fuel plates versus their position inside the core and versus their azimuth orientation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEns rrfm 2006 transactions
Place of PublicationBruxelles, Belgium
StatePublished - 30 Apr 2006
Event2006 - RRFM - Research Reactor Fuel Management: 10th ENS Topical Meeting - European Nuclear Society, Sofia
Duration: 30 Apr 20063 May 2006


Conference2006 - RRFM - Research Reactor Fuel Management

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