Some useful data for lithium 6 semiconductor sandwich spectrameters

G. De Leeuw-Gierts , Seraphin De Leeuw

    Research outputpeer-review

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    In the first part reaction kinematics are discussed and some usefeul formula derived.
    The second part deals with spectrometer resolution as well for sum coincidence work as for triton spectrometry. Theoretical calculations are made under the fundamental hyoptheses of an isotropic neutron flux distribution and numerical examples worked out using a simple range-energy relation. Good qualitative agreement with experimental data is observed but difficulties arise for a quantitative comparison. This can to a certain extent be explained by the approximations made and errors on the range data used but the major difficulties arise from target inhomogeneities.
    In the third part geometrical efficiences are calculated for two practical spectrometer designs i.e. "the 2π sandwich" and "the energy independent collimation". The latter is of particular interest in that the efficiency is a constant for a given spectrometer design and no corrections are necessary if there is no need for absolute flux measurements.
    For both calculations an isotropic neutron flux or, a beam perpendicular to the target surface and an isotropic emission of the secondary particles, is assumed.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages100
    StatePublished - May 1968

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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