SRA and roadmaps for radiation protection metrology

João Henrique Garcia Alves, Margarida Caldeira, Ana Fernandes, Steffen Ketelhut, Khanbabaee Behnam, Oliver Hupe, Hayo Zutz, Annette Röttger, Teemu Siiskonen, Christelle Adam-Guillermin, Milos Zivanovic, Attila Veres, Vladimir Sochor, Mihail-Razvan Ioan, Amra Sabeta, Robert Bernat, Steven Bell, Britt Wens, Denis Glavič-Cindro, Linda Persson

Research outputpeer-review


EURAMET EMPIR 19NET03 supportBSS project Support for a European Metrology
Network (EMN) on reliable radiation protection regulation, started in June 2020 and completed in May 2024. One of the tasks of the supportBSS project was the preparation of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) based on the identified metrology needs to support the European legislation and regulation in Radiation Protection, and of two Roadmaps for metrology services and capabilities, one under the European Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM and the other under the EURATOM Treaty. The preparation of the SRA started with a literature review based on the analysis of the SRAs of the MEENAS Radiation Protection platforms and of strategic documents from other relevant organization such as IAEA, BIPM-CCRI, HERCA, EURAMET, among others. Information was also collected from the stakeholders at different stages of the project, through the organization of workshops, as well as by way of a questionnaire that circulated addressing specific
questions for metrology laboratories and specific questions for stakeholders from the different fields of activity. It is the aim of this paper to present the first SRA and Roadmaps produced as outputs of the supportBSS project. Taking into account the technological developments in the field it is foreseen the European Metrology Network for Radiation Protection will need to revise these documents for update in the forthcoming future.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationISTISAN Congressi 24/C4
Subtitle of host publicationEuropean Radiation Protection Week 2024. Aurelia Auditorium Congress Center. Roma, November 11-15, 2024
PublisherIstituto Superiore di Sanità
Number of pages2
StatePublished - Nov 2024
Event2024 - ERPW: European radiation protection week - Aurelia Auditorium Congress Center, Rome
Duration: 11 Nov 202415 Nov 2024

Publication series

NameISTISAN Congressi
ISSN (Print)0393-5620
ISSN (Electronic)2384-857X


Conference2024 - ERPW

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