Staff eye lens and extremity exposure in interventional cardiology: Results of the ORAMED project

Laurent Donadille, Eleftheria Carinou, Marcin Brodecki, Joanna Domienik, Jan Jankowski, Christina Koukorava, Sabah Krim, Denisa Nikodemova, Natasha Ruiz-Lopez, Marta Sans-Mercé, Lara Struelens, Filip Vanhavere, R. Zaknoune, Emiliano D'Agostino

    Research outputpeer-review


    The main objectives of ORAMED were to obtain a set of standardized data on doses for staff in interventional cardiology and radiology and to optimize staff protection. Doses were measured with TLDs on the finger and wrist of both hands, on legs and at the level of the eyes. In this paper an overview of the doses per procedure measured during 646 IC procedures is given. Although associated with the smallest air-kerma-area product (KAP), PM/ICD procedures led to the highest doses. Ceiling screen and table curtain were observed to reduce normalized doses by atmost a factor 4, much smaller than theoretical attenuation factors typical for such protections, i.e. from 10 to 100. Configurations with tube above the patient led to higher normalized doses to the operator than tube below, but the effect of using a biplane X-ray suite was more complex to analyze. The eyes were observed to receive the maximum fraction of the annual dose limit almost as frequently as legs and hands, and clearly the most frequently, if the former 150 mSv and new 20 mSv recommended limits for the lens of the eye are considered, respectively.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1203-1209
    JournalRadiation Measurements
    Issue number11
    StatePublished - Nov 2011
    EventORAMED workshop - Universita politecnica de Barcelona (UPC), Barcelona
    Duration: 20 Jan 201122 Jan 2011

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