Study of biological effects and oxidative stress related responses in gamma irradiated Arabidopsis thaliana plants

    Research outputpeer-review


    This study aimed at investigating biological effects in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves and roots irradiated for 72 h with 3.5 Gy or 30 Gy of gamma radiation, and to unravel oxidative stress related responses to achieve a better understanding of the importance of the cellular redox balance as a modulator in gamma radiation stress. A. thaliana performs like a rather radioresistant plant species as no alterations on growth and only minor alterations in the nutrient profile were observed. Gamma irradiation did not seem to induce an NADPH mediated oxidative burst and lipid peroxidation appeared to be directly induced by ionizing radiation rather than mediated through LOX activity. As ionizing radiation can cause indirect damage via water radiolysis, H2O2 is hypothesized to be an important reactive oxygen species under radiation stress. Although most H2O2-scavenging enzymes remained unchanged, important alterations were observed for CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 expression.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S401-S407
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - Sep 2011
    EventICRER 2011 - International Conference on Radioecology & & Environmental radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance - Ontario, Hamilton
    Duration: 19 Jun 201124 Jun 2011

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