Study of the deformation-driving νd5/2 orbital in 6728Ni39 using one-neutron transfer reactions

Jan Diriken, Nikolas Patronis, Andrei N. Andreyev, Stanislav Antalic, Vincenz Bildstein, Andrey Blazhev, Ian Gerard Darby, Hilde De Witte, J Eberth, Jytte Elseviers, Valentin N. Fedosseev, F. Flavigny, Christoph Fransen, Georgy Georgiev, Roman Gernhauser, Herbert L. Hess, Mark Huyse, J. Jolie, Thorsten Kröll, Reiner KrückenRudi Lutter, Bruce A. Marsh, Theodoros J. Mertzimekis, Dennis Mücher, Frédéric Nowacki, Riccardo Orlandi, Athena Pakou, R. Raabe, G. Randisi, Peter Reiter, Tomas Roger, Michael Seidlitz, Maxim D. Seliverstov, K. Sieja, Christophe O. Sotty, Hans Törnqvist, Jorden van de Walle, Piet Van Duppen, Didier Voulot, Nigel V. Warr, Fredrik Wenander, Kathrin Wimmer

    Research outputpeer-review

    16 Scopus citations


    The νg9/2, d5/2, s1/2 orbitals are assumed to be responsible for the swift onset of collectivity observed in the region below 68Ni. Especially the single-particle energies and strengths of these orbitals are of importance. We studied such properties in the nearby 67Ni nucleus, by performing a (d, p)-experiment in inverse kinematics employing a post-accelerated radioactive ion beam (RIB) at the REX-ISOLDE facility. The experiment was performed at an energy of 2.95 MeV/u using a combination of the T-REX particle detectors, the Miniball γ-detection array and a newly-developed delayed-correlation technique as to investigate μs-isomers. Angular distributions of the ground state and multiple excited states in 67Ni were obtained and compared with DWBA cross-section calculations, leading to the identification of positive-parity states with substantial νg9/2 (1007 keV) and νd5/2 (2207 keV and 3277 keV) single-particle strengths up to an excitation energy of 5.8 MeV. 50% of the νd5/2 single-particle strength relative to the νg9/2-orbital is concentrated in and shared between the first two observed 5/2 + levels. A comparison with extended Shell Model calculations and equivalent (3He, d) studies in the region around 9040Zr50 highlights similarities for the strength of the negative-parity pf and positive-parity g9/2 state, but differences are observed for the d5/2 single-particle strength.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)533-538
    Number of pages6
    JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    StatePublished - 7 Sep 2014

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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