Synthesis and evaluation analysis of the physical model indicator information by computing with words

Da Ruan, Roland Carchon, Jun Liu

    Research outputpeer-review


    The subject of thie present work is to establish a mathematical framework that provides the basis for synthesis and evaluation analysis of safeguards information that may be unquantifiable, and for which the traditional quantitative approach does not give an adequate answer. Accordingly, we use the lingustic assessment approach based on fuzzy sets theory. A hierarchical analysis of States' nuclear activities in a multi-layer structure is given based on the IAEA Physical Model. Special emphasis is given to the synthesis and evaluation analysis of the Physical Model indicator information. We focus on the aggregation process with consideration of the different kinds of qualitative criteria. A linguistic evaluation model for strengthened safeguards information based on the symbolic approach, which acts by the direct computation on linguistic values, is established in the present work. By using this evaluation model of States' nuclear activities, we can assess, in a qualitative way, the States' capabilities on processing nuclear materials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 5th International FLINS Conference , Gent, Belgium , 16 – 18 September 2002
    PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Electronic)9789814488167
    ISBN (Print)9789812380661
    StatePublished - Sep 2002
    Event2002 - 5th International FLINS Conference: Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research - Ghent university, Gent
    Duration: 16 Sep 200218 Sep 2002


    Conference2002 - 5th International FLINS Conference

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