Technical report - Synthesis of conditioning matrix performances studies: PREDIS Deliverable 5.3

Matthieu Briffaut, Sara Koubeissy, Anna Sears, Boris Zlobenko, Gabriele Magugliani, Ilaria Moschetti, Eros Mossini, Lara Esperanza, Thi Nhan Nguyen, Monika Kiselova, Rosa Lo Franco, Quoc Tri Phung

Research outputpeer-review

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WP5 “Innovations in liquid organic waste treatment and conditioning” of the PREDIS project focused on the investigation and development of innovative technologies for direct conditioning of radioactive liquid organic waste (RLOW). A part of this work package was Task T5.4 “Study of conditioning matrix performances” dedicated to the study of performances of conditioning matrix developed during task 5.3 “Study of direct conditioning process”. During this Task, the partners have first investigated the long-term performances of three formulation families based on Metakaolin (MK), Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and a mixture of fly ash (FA), BFS and MK (MIX) formulation. The durability of materials in various conditions (endogeneous, aerated, acid & alcaline liquid lixiviation) was studied with formulation containing different type of waste surrogate. Moreover, materials behaviour under irradiation and high temperature (including fire hazard) have also been studied. Finally, radionuclides binding and leaching on real waste have been investigated. This technical report “Synthesis of experimental results on long term matrices performances for direct conditioning of liquid organic waste” describes all the work and results achieved by the partners in the scope of Task T5.4 “Study of conditioning matrix performances”.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages119
StatePublished - 3 Jul 2024

Publication series

NamePREDIS Reports

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