The accomplishments of lithium target and test facility validation activities in the IFMIF/EVEDA phase

Frederik Arbeiter, Nadine Baluc, Paolo Favuzza, Friedrich Gröschel, Roland Heidinger, Angel Ibarra, Vincent Massaut, Franceso Saverio Nitti, Gioacchino Miccichè, Shigeru O’hira, David Rapisarda, Masayoshi Sugimoto, Eiichi Wakai, Takehiko Yokomine

    Research outputpeer-review


    As part of the engineering validation and engineering design activities (EVEDA) phase for the international fusion materials irradiation facility IFMIF, major elements of a lithium target facility and the test facility were designed, prototyped and validated. For the lithium target facility, the EVEDA lithium test loop was built at JAEA and used to test the stability (waves and long term) of the lithium flow in the target, work out the startup procedures, and test lithium purification and analysis. It was confirmed by experiments in the Lifus 6 plant
    at ENEA that lithium corrosion on ferritic martensitic steels is acceptably low. Furthermore, complex remote handling procedures for the remote maintenance of the target in the test cell environment were successfully practiced. For the test facility, two variants of a high flux test module were prototyped and tested in helium loops, demonstrating their good capabilities of maintaining the material specimens at the desired temperature with a low temperature spread.
    Irradiation tests were performed for heated specimen capsules and irradiation instrumentation in the BR2 reactor at SCK-CEN. The small specimen test technique, essential for obtaining material test results with limited irradiation volume, was advanced by evaluating specimen shape and test technique influences.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number 015001
    Number of pages6
    JournalNucl. Fusion
    Issue number(2018) 015001
    StatePublished - 10 Nov 2017

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