The applicability range of the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method tested in the fast VENUS-F reactor

Research outputpeer-review


The MSM method is an experimental technique for determination of reactivity of a sub-critical reactor. It consists of one dynamic measurement followed by two static measurements, which use an extraneous neutron source. For the data analysis, the core averaged kinetic parameters need to be calculated as well as a spatially-dependent correction factor that corrects for the point kinetics approximation. In order to test the range for which the method is valid and to demonstrate the reliability of the correction factor calculations in a fast reactor, a dedicated experimental campaign was performed in the fast lead-bismuth VENUS-F reactor. The reactivity of a dozen of sub-critical configurations was measured with the MSM method using ten 235U fission chambers. The detectors were located at various distances from the active zone and from the extraneous neutron source, leading to a large range of values of a correction factor (calculated with the Monte Carlo MCNP5 code) used in the data analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Article number08001
Number of pages8
JournalEPJ Web of Conferences
StatePublished - 3 Jul 2020
Event2020 - PHYSOR: Transition to a scalable nuclear future - University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Duration: 29 Mar 20203 Apr 2020

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