The Belgian technical support to the IAEA: historical overview and trends for the future

    Research outputpeer-review


    Belgium provides the IAEA with a modest, but valuable Support Programme. The tasks that have been performed in the framework of this Support Programme deal with the development and/or testing of measurement technology, mainly non-destructive methods, execution of system studies, the training of IAEA inspectors and performing analytical measurements. SCK●CEN is coordinator of the Belgian Support Programme and performs a significant part of the technical tasks. Other Belgian companies that provide for a valuable contribution to the Support Programme are Belgonucléaire, Electrabel with the power plants at Doel and Tihange, FBFC and Belgoprocess. Other, general support to the IAEA is provided by SCK●CEN and other nuclear companies by participating in technical committees and advisory groups. SCK●CEN is also founding member of ESARDA, the European SAfeguards Research and Development Association.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication29th Annual ESARDA Symposium on safeguards and nuclear material management
    Place of PublicationIspra, Italy
    StatePublished - May 2007
    Event2007 - ESARDA - European Safeguards Research & Development Association: 29th ESARDA Annual Meeting - Aix-en-Provence
    Duration: 22 May 200724 May 2007


    Conference2007 - ESARDA - European Safeguards Research & Development Association

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