The Boom Clay Geology. From sedimentation to present-day occurrence. A review

Noël Vandenberhge, Mieke De Craen, Laurent Wouters

Research outputpeer-review


The geology of the Boom Clay is the basis for understanding its geochemical, mechanical hydrogeological or other engineering properties. The geology of the Boom Clay also forms the base for understanding how to extrapolate properties measured at one location to other localities. The present synthesis on the geology on the Boom Clay describes the history of the Boom Clay since its deposition during the Rupelian (some 30 million years ago) until today. Sedimentological and sediment-petrological properties of the Boom Clay are described. The geometry and the stratigraphy of the clay deposit are discussed, as well as its correlation with the geology in neighboring countries. All data are interpreted in terms of the original sedimentation conditions and in terms of the early diagenetic, physical, chemical and mineralogical phenomena that have occurred during its shallow burial (and uplift), until today.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-76
JournalMemoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium
StatePublished - Aug 2014

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