The development of disperse UMo as a high performance research reactor fuel in Europe

Harald Breitkreutz, Rainer Jungwirth, Anton Röhrmoser, Winfried Petry, Sven Van den Berghe, Ann Leenaers, Edgar Koonen, Patrick Lemoine, Michel Ripert, Hervé Palancher, Marie-Christine Anselmet, Christophe Jarousse, Bertrand Stepnik, Yoann Calzavara, Hervé Guyon

Research outputpeer-review


Since more than ten years, disperse UMo is actively developed in Europe as a nuclear fuel for high performance research reactors. In this time, significant progress towards a qualifiable fuel has been made. This article sums up the past developments, presents the current status and gives an overview of the developments that are still needed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch Reactor Fuel Management conference proceedings
Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
StatePublished - Apr 2013
Event2013 - RRFM - Research Reactor Fuel Management: 17th ENS Topical Meeting - European Nuclear Society, St. Petersburgh
Duration: 21 Apr 201325 Apr 2013


Conference2013 - RRFM - Research Reactor Fuel Management
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
CitySt. Petersburgh
Internet address

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