The ENETRAP and EUTERP project: contributing to the European harmonization of E&T in radiation protection

Michèle Coeck, Jan van der Steen, Gaston Meskens

    Research outputpeer-review


    In answer to the need for a harmonized approach of education and training (E&T) programs in radiation protection and, based on that, the mutual recognition for radiation protection courses and the acquired competencies of Qualified Experts, the ENETRAP project made a study of the current European E&T issues. The results of this study lead to a proposal for harmonized programs for both the educational part and the training in radiation protection. These recommendations are based on the answers of almost all European countries to a vast questionnaire inquiring information on (i) numbers of RPEs different sectors dealing with ionizing radiation, (ii) identification of practices, (iii) national E&T needs and capabilities, (iv) regulatory requirements and (v) recognition, a study on the need and effectiveness of on-the-job training (OJT), a study on the approach of e- and distance learning tools and a study of the EU and IAEA requirements and syllabi for Qualified Experts. In this way ENETRAP will provide the fundamentals on which the European umbrella organisation EUTERP can build the organisation, follow-up and recognition of E&T programs, which will contribute to an enhanced mobility of workers, teachers and students throughout the European countries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCONTE2007 - Conference on Nuclear Training and Education - An international forum on nuclear training and education and workforce issues facing a renewed nuclear energy option
    Place of PublicationIllinois, United States
    StatePublished - Feb 2007
    EventConference on Nuclear Training and Education CONTE2007 - Jacksonville
    Duration: 4 Feb 20077 Feb 2007


    ConferenceConference on Nuclear Training and Education CONTE2007
    Country/TerritoryUnited States

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