The HADES demonstration and pilot project on radioactive waste disposal in a clay formation: Final report

Arnold Bonne, Herman Beckers, Rudolf Beaufays, Marc Buyens, Didier De Bruyn, Alfons Fonteyne, Jean Louis Genicot, Dominique Lamy, Pol Meynendonckx, Marcel Monsecour, Bernard Neerdael, Luc Noynaert, Marc Voet

    Research outputpeer-review


    The present report deals with the activities of the SCK/CEN performed during the time period 1985-1989 in the framework of the HADES demonstration/pilot project. The overall objective of the HADES programme is the evaluation of the technical feasibility and safety of the disposal of radwaste in a deep clay formation. The pilot phase is aimed at demonstrating the system behaviour for those components of the system and those operations and issues which can be demonstrated directly. The time period considered covers a first phase of the development programme of the pilot project which includes: - The construction of a concrete lined test drift of about 30 m length with a useful inner diameter of 3.5 m. In the lining, a number of openings or ports are foreseen for emplacing the various tests and sensors for the general auscultation in the host rock. - Mine-by test for the investigation of the response of the surrounding clay on the excavation. - CERBERUS test, a combined heating-irradiation test aiming at evaluating by simulation (electrical heaters and Co-60 radiation source) the impact of a HLW canister on its immediate near field. - Design of a gallery heating test for the demonstration by simulation of the behaviour of a concrete lined gallery structure and of the surrounding clay mass in a temperature field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLuxemburg
    PublisherPublications Office of the European Union
    Number of pages280
    ISBN (Print)92-826-3470-1
    StatePublished - 1992

    Publication series


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