The health effects of low-dose ionizing radiation-New epidemiological results and perspectives

Gilbert Eggermont, Louis de Saint-Georges, Hans Vanmarcke, Paul Jacquet

    Research outputpeer-review


    The evaluation of the health effects of low dose ionizing radiation has always been a focus of controversy. At first sight, this seems paradoxical since the epidemiological data of Hiroshima Nagasaki and decades of radiobiological research have yielded considerable knowledge of the potential health impacts. This article explores how current risk management in the nuclear industry are trying to factor uncertainties into a precautionary approach.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)22-27
    JournalBulletin d'information du département santé-sécurité de l'Ethui-REHS
    Issue number29
    StatePublished - Mar 2006

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